Is QuickBooks Sufficient for My Startup?


As a startup founder, you are aware that accurate and timely accounting practices are necessary to keep you on the path of a successful business. Like many others, you probably started with Quickbooks or Xero accounting software — only to later discover these tools are time-consuming and only partially meeting your needs, if at all. All too soon you are faced with an unexpected dilemma — your business has outgrown the accounting software, you don’t have time to recreate the wheel, and you don’t know where to turn. Once you’ve raised your initial capital, you should consider hiring a professional firm who can handle the day-to-day back office accounting and administration responsibilities. Equally important is hiring a firm capable of scaling and growing with your business. The startup CFOs and back office accounting team at Countsy have answered this call time and time again. 

Listen as our experienced team of startup CFOs walk you through when it’s the right time to step away from basic accounting software and enlist the help of a fractional CFO, accounting support team, and a suite of tools tested by venture-backed startups like Quora, Asana, Bird and others. 

Providing your startup with the detailed accounting services it requires is just the beginning. When investors ask for comprehensive financial reports and forecasts, you will have your dedicated Countsy CFO at your side. Additionally, your startup will be fully supported by a knowledgeable accounting team to assist you in operating more efficiently and growing operations alongside the needs of your company. Learn more about why Accounting for Startups is different that Bookkeeping for small businesses.

Your time is important. So, manage it wisely and leave your accounting to the team at Countsy.


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